Wednesday 9 September 2009

unit 41 radio drama

Radio drama

Radio drama was created in the year 1927 which makes it over 70 years old. During the late 1940's was when radio drama reached its peak. In 1927 networks started to adapt short stories and writing their own original scripts to broadcast. In the early 1930's advertisers realised the potential to develop radio advertising and started to buy air-time and sponsor the programs. The war effected radio by increasing the number of programmes during the time of the war. At first not a lot of people could afford televisions so they would listen to radio drama but eventually these programmes turned into television programmes as well. Radio drama still exists today on bbc radio 4 and bbc radio 7, some of the programmes still on air are: the archers, womens hour, afternoon play, friday play, Sherlock Holmes.

Task 2
Magazine Article- War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds originally was a radio drama which was first broadcast in 1938. The drama was a story about an invasion of Earth by aliens from Mars. The drama explained that strange phenomenon's were happening, alien landings, lightening was said to be UFO's. However because the show was aired at the same time as other popular shows, people missed the beginning part of the show and believed it was a true news story.
The radio drama had a massive effect on real peoples lives. The people that heard this story and believed that it was true and really happening fled their houses with towels over their heads to escape the poison gases, they abandoned their homes and drove as far away as possible. People were genuinely scared by this and in some cases people killed themselves.

The reason "War of the Worlds" appeared to be so believable was because the show was made in the style of a normal show that was interrupted by a news bulletin warning people about the extraordinary events, so it seemed like a regular, true show. Also it was aired at a same when war was a realistic thing, so the threat of another war could have been on peoples minds.

Analysis of radio drama
The Archers is a radio drama which is aired on BBC radio 4. The theme music on the show is very relatable with the show so when it is played people know it's on, also it relates to an older audience with the orchestral style of the music.

The cultural codes used in the show are all very different, this could be to appeal to audiences from all over the country, because if you hear an accent local to your own, then you are more likely to listen to the show because they could relate to it. Also the show uses very stereotypical accents, for example there are some strong west country accents used, which may attract the target audience, because it makes it entertaining to have such strong accents and it also helps the audience distinguish which characters are which.

Woman's Hour is another radio drama which is aired on BBC radio 4. Unlike The Archers there isn't any theme music which is starnge for a radio drama because they only have sound to use and a theme tune would establish that the show is on and allows people to know the show is on.
Also another apsect of the show that is different for Woman's Hout than The Archers is that Woman's Hour has a main character "DCI Sue Craven" which gives the show a distinctive plot, this is effective because it gives the show structure and gives possiblities for different storylines. Also it creates personal identity for the listeners because the audience could possibly relate to Sue and therefore want to listen more because it could be like hearing about their own life which draws people into a show. However it does have disadvantages which are that it only creates personal identity with a certain type of person which means that it won't attract a variety of different audiences from around the country like The Archers does. Also it could make the show too predictable and cause it to be boring because the audience would know generally who or what the show might be about.

Task 3
I propose to make a radio drama based on the fairy tale Cinderella. The target audience for this would be young adults of both genders, possibly slightly more intelligent people also. It will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 or 7.
One possible idea for the drama is that the Prince is turned into a rich, young, drug dealer who accidently kills Cinderella's dad by giving him an over-dose. Cinderella then is lives with her step-mother and step-daughter both very kind, smart and hard working. Cinderella isn't as smart at school as her step-sister and becomes very jealous of her. The Prince has a party which Cinderella gets invited to, she goes and starts taking drugs to drown her problems. The step-sister comes to the party to help Cin. home, the Prince sees her and they instantly fall in love. Cinderella is left devastated and still jealous of her perfect step-sister, who ends up being rich and happy with Prince the drug dealer.
Another possible approach to the story could be that the world has nearly been ended by a comet and the only people left in the world are Cinderella and her family (step-mother and two step-sisters) the fairy godmother and the prince. Cinderella's father has been killed during the comet hitting earth and her family has become bitter and try to kill Cinderella because they are jealous her father loved her more. The prince (a young navy seal) helps Cinderella escape into the countryside to his castle, whilst the fairy godmother distracts the evil step-mother and sisters with her magic card tricks and an endless magic show where she cuts the step-mother in half.
A third way is to have a mix of some other fairy tales with where Cinderella is a slave to her evil step-sisters and step-mother but after years of hard work and slave labour Cinderella is rescued by 7 dwarfs called Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, Druggy, The Tall One and James. Whilst The Tall One, charms and flirts with the evil family, using his dashing good looks and witty charm, Happy rescues Cinderella from her cage in the dungeon using his expert skills as a locksmith and the other 5 rig the castle with explosives to kill the evil family. All goes to plan apart from Druggy who leaves behind his drugs and goes back to get them just as the house blows up and he dies. But nobody is sad because none of the over dwarfs liked him and everyone lives happily ever after.

My Mind Map

In our version of the fairy tale Cinderella, the genre would be mixed because it would still have elements of a fairy tale, as the Prince and Step-Sister fall in love but this would mostly be in the style of a gangster genre. We picked these genre because it makes the story have less of a serious feel to the show and this is why we have more sarcastic jokes and therefore the audience will stay more interested. The primary target audience would be young adults aged around 15-19, this is because young children wouldn't understand the more complexed plot involving drugs and the more sarcastic jokes. It would be played later on at night after the watershed, so that there could be more swearing and adult humor.
The plot of the story has changed quite dramatically as the characters involved and how they act has changed, Cinderella has in a way had her characteristics swapped around with her Step-Sister, because her Step-Sister is the beautiful, smart and kind girl who is loved by the Prince but Cinderella is the ugly, jealous sister who wants the Prince but can't get him. However some of the elements of the story have remained the same, as her father still dies (although how he dies changes) and the Prince still has a party/ball where he falls in love.
In our show we will have Propp's theory that there is a hero, villain and a damsel in distress. The Prince would be the villain because he is he drug dealer who gives Cinderella's father an over-dose and kills him, but at the end he changes when he falls in love with the Step-Sister. The damsel in distress is Cinderella because she emotionally falls apart and needs her Fairy Godmother to help her get her life back on track. So the hero would be the Fairy Godmother for the reason before. We would also have Todorov's theory that there is equilibrium, disruption and resolution, because to begin with Cinderella's life is going quiet well as her father is alive and she is happy, but when he died, her life turns for the worst, she starts getting jealous of her family and it takes her fairy godmother to help her sort her life back out.
The use of strong accents and dialects would be important for the show as it is a radio drama. The accents we would use would be for the Prince quite a rough, common accent and he would talk with a younger persons dialect to emphasise his character. A similar accent and dialect would be used for cinderella as she would be portrayed as a fairly rough, mean character. However for her Step-sister and Step-mother, the accents would be rather posh and high-class and the dialect used would be smarter and more intelectual. The pitch and tone of the voices would depend on the scene, but in the party scene, for example, they would be louder, shouting voices because there would be the ambience of a party and loud music accomanying the voices this signifier would connote how their lives were and how they apear to ther audience. Although in scenes with the Step-mother and Step-sister, the tone of voice would be more relaxed and calmer this would be a signifier and connote the type of characters they were and how they acted generally. Music beds would be used especially and more effectively in dramatic scenes, for example in the scene where Cinderella's father dies there would be a slow, sad music bed playing quietly to add effect and connote that its an emotional and important scene.
Cinerella Script
(the scene opens with the ambience of gunshots and car engines)
Narrator: (deep, powerful but calm voice)
One day in the quite, pleasant streets of Stanningley Cinderella is sat with her father in there classy back to back house.
Cinderella’s dad: (Harsh, deep masculine voice)
Right then, I'm going to see a friend, be back soon
Cinderella: (High pitched, innocent voice)
Which friend?
Cinderella’s Dad:
It doesn’t matter you don't know him. Don’t wait up for me. Your mum will be back soon.
Don’t call that woman my mum.
(Dramatic sting, as Cinderella sits, wondering why her dad wouldn't say who his friend is. The sound of a television fades the scene out)
Who was Cinderella’s dad seeing you may wonder. Was he seeing a woman? No it was...
(Ambience of a running engine)
Prince: (Deep masculine, intimidating low pitched voice.)
You got my money mate?
Cinderella’s Dad:
Yeah s'all here and my stuff?
You know am good for it. 10g grams, yeah?
Cinderella’s Dad:
Yeah, Yeah.
Cinderella’s Dad handed the man a wallet of cash. They both dissappeared into the night.
(A wheel screech then the sound of a car engine fade the scene out)
The drugs however were a bad idea, as Cinderella’s dad was rushed to hospital and died that night. Cinderella never knew it was Prince’s fault. Cinderella was crushed by losing her father. She was now left, only with her step-mother and step-sister.
(Knock on Cinderella's bedroom door)

Step-mother: (Kind, soft voice)
Cin you've got to get up sometime.
(door opens)
Cinderella: (shouting)
He wasn't your dad, you don't know how hard this is and your not even my mum... Just leave me alone.
I know it's hard but I'm here to help and so it Claire.
Oh, well am sure perfect little Claire can help, just both of you go away!
(door slams shut!)
Well when you need us we're all here, just try get on with your life.
Things weren't going right in Cinderella's life, she was falling out with her Step-mother and Step-sister. Over the next few weeks she began to start her normal life as it was before and back at school.
(Ambience of school corridor, school bell ringing and voices)
Hey Cindy, you coming to Prince's party Saturday? He said your invited.
Hmm are you going?
Not sure i might have a lot of coursework to do but might do.
Well yeah i think i'll go then.
Now then ladies, you think you both guna make it Saturday?

Cinderella & Claire: (little laugh)
Yeahh sure!
Cool, see ya later then.
I wouldn't say no
Ha, you wish, he's mine.
Well okay whatever you say, prove it on Saturday then.
Hmm, well time for lesson anyway init.
Saturday night, before the party and Cinderella & Claire were all dressed up ready to go. They got a taxi upto his house.
(Ambince of rain and the car radio and engine)
Ohh didn't you forget your umbrella at home (laughing) oh well guess you won't look as good as me tonight.
Well can't I use yours with you?
Nah it's a competition for Prince init, so looks like your guna lose.
You stupid bitch!
Narrator: (ambience of heavy rain)
They get out of the taxi and walk into the party, Claire gets soaked and Cinderella couldn't be happier. They get in and start dancing and looking for Prince.
(Ambience of shouting, laughing, loud music)
Heyy Prince, ooft you look well fit.
Yeye thanks, your not looking bad tonight, Claire here yet?
Errr, yeah but oh you ont even wana see her, she looks ugly ha. (giggling)
Really? I'll go find her then, she can't be that bad.

They both find Claire, she looks gorgeous, Cinderella is shocked and can't believe her look.
Wow! Heyy Claire.
Heya Prince
Surprised, Cindy? (laughing) That's carma for you.
Do ya wana come up to my room, just us two?
What about me?
No he meant me.
Yeah sure babe.
(Sound of Cinderella crying)
Cinderella ran out back home, she packed her clothes and ran away from home, going nobody knows where. Claire couldn't be happier, she got the man she always wanted and got rid of the Step-sister she always hated and she lived happily ever after.
Jungle Radio Clip.

Romance Radio Clip.

Horror Radio Drama

We propose, for our radio drama, to make it in the style of a horror genre. This would mean the target audience would be for both genders, possibly slightly more appealing to males and mainly young adults, aged 15-21 roughly. It would be broadcast on BBC radio 4 or 7.
The plot of the story would be that it starts with a girl being in prison, with a short dialogue, and she begins to tell the story of how she got there. There is a flashback to the story, in which it starts of with the girl cheating on her boyfriend with his best friend. The girl starts thinking that he is going to confess to her boyfriend so she kills him. Before he died he told other people about what had happened. The story skips forward years to when they are getting married, but people object to the marriage because she cheated and a reporter ends up piecing the story together and discovering what she has done. Then it goes back to her in prison, she says one line and it ends.

Another radio drama that I propose to make would be a similarly styled drama in the horror genre. The target audience for this would be again both genders, mostly young adults aged 15-21. It would be broadcast on BBC radio 4 or 7.
The Setting of the story would be in a small old fashioned village. The plot to this story would be that it starts with, murder mystery's where, a number of teenage girls have been killed with teeth marks on their neck. There is confusion with the police and people in the town of how the people have died and who could have killed them. Sightings begin to happen, of apparently a person with wings flying above the town. Then it becomes discovered that there are vampires roaming the town and thats who has been causing the murders. Eventually the police find out who the vampire is and hunt him, finally catching him and hanging him for the crimes he has committed and the story ends with the village being safe and a happy ending.

Mind Map

In our radio drama that we plan to make, the genre would be horror, as it has basic elements of this genre, these elements are that there is a
murder. Although there is an element of crime drama in the show as well, this is also because of the murder. The drama has a restricted narrative in a way because the audience knows that a girl (who would also act as a narrator) has done something wrong because the show starts with her in jail beginning to tell her story of how she ended up in the prison, however there is also a unrestrictive narrative in a way because the audience doesn't know exactly what this girl has done to deserve to be put in prison. Also this isn't based on a true story were the audience would know the ending.

Our radio drama will contain Propp's theory that there is a hero, villain, damsel in distress and a helper. The villain is established at the start as the woman who is in the prison and throughout the drama it is established even more when she kills her boyfriends best friend after cheating with him. The hero and the helper would be the boyfriend and the reporter who discover the murder and who did it, but which way around they are is interchangeable. The damsel in distress is the best friend who is killed early on in the drama.

The show would include Todorov's theory equilibrium, disruption and resolution but it wouldn't be in the conventional order because the resolution is actually at the beginning as the woman is in prison for the crime, then comes what the audience thinks is the equilibrium that she is with the best friend however it is also the start of the disruption because it reveals the first part of what she has done wrong. Finally the resolution is when she tells the story of how she is found out to be a murderer and how she is eventually put into prison.

The plot of the radio drama is that there is a woman who starts off in prison and she goes on to be the narrator and tell the story of how she came to be in prison. It then switches to a flashback where the girl is with her boyfriends best friend, cheating on her boyfriend. But she becomes obsessed about if he confessed to her boyfriend about it all and ends up murdereing the best friend to keep the secret. Then news reporter and the boyfriend try to discover who the murderer is gradually uncover more information untill a point where it seems like it cant be solved. There is a flashforward in the the flashback, which skips fowards to where the couple are getting married and as the priest is saying does anybody object, people confess to been told about the girl cheating with his best friend and the boyfriend realises that it was her that killed him. It then goes back to the girl in prison, she says one line and the story ends.

We would use strong accents in the show as this makes it easier to distinguish between characters and makes the show more entertaining. The accent we would use for the girl would be a posh slightly strange accent to make her seem more mysterious and psychotic. For the reporter there would be a more common working class accent, which would connote that he is just a common everyday guy. The boyfriend would have a deep american accent, which would give him the typical conventions for a voice of that type of character in these dramas. Also the tone and pitch of each characters voices would vary depending to the scene, for example in the murder scene there would be loud, shouting voices, with a lot of urgency in them.

There would be a lot of different types of music beds playing throughout the drama. In the first scene of the flashback, there would be a slow, romantic music bed because it is a romantic scene. However the music would change quickly to a fast pace more shocking kind of music when she kills him. There would also be quite a lot of ambience noise, for example in he wedding scene, there would be birds singing and possibly music from a piano to signify the occasion. However in contrast, the opening and closing scenes when the girl is in a jail cell, there would be no ambience at all which is a signifier and it connotes how alone she is and how terrible she feels.

Task 8: Complete a production schedule that documents the processes of production and the time spent on specific tasks. Download the template from below and upload an image of the completed document onto your blog.

Our Radio Drama

Agathur - Murderer
(Agathur) - When she is narrating
Patrick - Boyfriend
Roland - Best Friend
James - Patrick's brother

Scene 1
(Agathur): (Bed springs as she's sitting down.) Patrick was his name. The love of my life, and also the biggest mistake of my life. (as she is talking there is a sound of pend writing on paper) (a sound which connotes flashbacks)
Roland: I cant believe this is happening. (with a quiet excited voice.) (Romantic music bed)
(Agathur): Well, i couldn't believe it either, but that isn't the man i love. (sounding fed up)
Agathur: I know but you cant tell patrick. (In a worrying voice) Because you will regret it (in a more serious voice)
Roland: (laughing) Don't be silly of course i won't (giving her a kiss on the cheek) Now i've got to go, i'll see you later at the party.
Agathur: Well where are you going? (Worryingly)
Roland: I have to go see Patrick (Putting on his coat) See you later.

Scene 2
(Ambience of cars, people, plates and cutlery, as they are in a cafe)
Patrick: Where the chuff have you been? I've been here for about an hour! (impatiently)
Roland: Sorry, I missed the bus. (Panting)
Patrick: You could of drove, why did you get the bus?
Roland: Well my cars getting fixed ain't it? (warily)
Patrick: Ohh why didn't you say so? i would have picked you up.
(Agathur): Well he wouldn't of been so nice if he'd of known where he really was, but anyway...
Patrick: So, the reason i wanted to meet up is because i wanted to talk to you about Agathur (He pauses)... I've seen a beautiful engagement ring that i've been saving up for, for 5 months but it turns out i'm £500 short, could you spare me it until next month because i'm hoping to ask her tonight at the party.
Roland: Yeah, sure. Im happy for you mate. (happily but unsure)
(Agathur): Little did he know we were going at it just 10 minutes ago, the two faced...
Patrick: So, how do you think that i should do it?
Roland: Well to be honest mate, i think you should wait until your comfortably alone and make sure it's the perfect moment, so you don't ruin it. So yeah i'd wait a while if i were you.
Patrick: Are you sure? I think I should do it at the party, she'll love it. I know she'll say yes. And i just can't wait (laughing.)
Roland: Well whatever you think she'll like mate, I mean you know her better than me (laughing)
Patrick: Hahaha yeah true i guess. (laughing) well anyway i've gotta go, need to buy that ring, ill see you later at the party.
Roland: Yeah okay kid. See you later.
(sound of the door and the shop door bell as patrick leaves)
Roland: Oh god! (sighing) (Fade out ambience)

Scene 3
Roland: (Knocking on the door) (as door opens ambience of music and people talking fades in) Hey Agathur.
Agathur: (whispering) I'll meet you upstairs in half an hour.
Roland: Yeah, sure. Just make sure patrick isn't about first. We don't want to get caught tonight.
Agathur: Why whats so different about tonight?
Roland: It doesn't matter, ill tell you later.
Agathur: Oh okay. (shutting the door)
Roland: Hey Patrick.
Patrick: Ohh hi Roland. What took so long at the door there, hope you weren't yano... (laughing jokily)
Roland: (Laughing looking at Agathur) Don't be daft of course not.
Agathur: Yeah don't worry. Your my one and only (kissing Patrick)
(Ambience fades, but still there, the door shuts behind Agathur and Roland)
Agathur: Alone, at last.
Roland: No Agathur, we need to stop this. (Sharply)
Agathur: Why the sudden change of heart?
Roland: Because somethings going to happen tonight. Something thats going to change everything.
Agathur: Stop it Roland, your scaring me. (worryingly)
Roland: (sound of a knife)
Agathur: (getting scared)
(Agathur): I was so scared, i just didn't know what he was planning to do with that knife. I mean i didn't even know him that well. He was my boyfriends best friend, not mine.
Roland: Want some cake?
Agathur: No! stop it and tell me whats going on! (Sharply)
Roland: Okay okay. Patrick has bought a very nice expensive engagement ring, and later on tonight he is planning on proposing infront of everyone at the party. I told him it was a bad idea but he just wouldn't listen to me.
Agathur: Oh my god, I cant believe you've tried ruining this for us. You shouldn't tell him what to do. I want to marry Patrick, what am i doing. I love Patrick so why am i sat here with an idiot like you.
Roland: I cant believe your saying this. I cant believe your choosing him over me. I've got to do something about this, i've got to tell him about everything.
Agathur: No! you cant. (Shouting)
(Agathur): I knew i had to do something, but i didnt know what. He couldn't ruin this for me. Then thats when the knife caught my eye...
Agathur: (Picking the knife up, stabbing him in the back. Roland screams)
(Agathur): He screamed pretty loud, Im surprised nobody heard him. But no-one knew. So i put him in the bath tub, trying to frame him with the knife in his hand. Everyone will of thought he did it himself. I cleaned myself up, and practiced my surprised look, then made my way downstairs ready for the proposal that was going to make me so happy.. He never proposed that night, but he did propose 1 week later on our 2 year anniversary. We were in a bubble bath surrounded by candles when he popped the question. Finally the big day came.
Scene 4 (flashback) (ambience of wedding music, talking and wedding bells)
Patrick: I wish Roland was here to see this, I wanted him to be my best man. He was the first person i told about the proposal. (to his brother James)
James: I know, he was a great lad. Im sure he's watching.
Patrick: Yeah, thanks James. Im glad your here.
James: Anyway cheer up, your about to get married. She's ready to walk down the isle. Are you ready?
Patrick: Yeah, lets start.
Agathur: Right, i'm ready. Start the music.
(Ambience turns into music. Talking stops. Sound of people standing)
(Agathur): So we went on with the wedding, but that stupid brother of his spoilt everything.
Priest: If there is any reason why these two people shouldn't be joined together please speak now or forever hold your peace.
James: There is a reason! This women killed Roland. Im so sorry Patrick i tried to hold it back but i just couldn't help it. This women is evil.
(Agathur): So that was my story, and thats how i ended up with 3 walls and bars surrounding me. (Music fades out)

Radio Drama Evaluation

The original aim for my radio drama was to entertain the audience and in my opinion I achieved this aim because the drama had a comedy element to it and also had the conventions of a thrilling crime drama.
I played my radio drama to a selection of people from my primary target audience, which is young adults aged 14-25 of both genders. Our drama would create a level of diversion because of the fact it is a drama and therefore isn't real, They seemed to enjoy it for the most part, and they found it funny which means that they took the preferred reading of it having comedy connotations. Also they said that they thought the mix of a thrilling crime drama and a comedy worked well and suited the sector of audience that they come into. Also one person said they had a sense of personal identity with the girl in our drama in the way that she had been in a similar type situation in the past.
Representation Issues:
We gave mostly negative messages in the drama because of the genre of it, (crime drama) the negative messages are the main character (Agathur) cheating on her boyfriend and then murdering the boy she cheats with. I don't think we were biased by doing this because these are typical of the genre. Our package used both boys and girls voices because we had both male and female parts in our radio drama we also had a girl play a mans part and then we edited the voice to add the comedy effect to it. Our music track added to the of the piece by connoting the intended mood and also the setting of each scene, for example the opening scene had a slow, romantic song to signify the mood of the scene was romantic. I think the locations were appropriate to the package, because mostly they were basic locations, which made them seem more realistic and also made it easier to show the change of locaion and easier to connote te location itself. The language was appropriate for the primary target audience in my opinion, because it was mostly slang and not standard english which would appeal to our target audience of 14-25 year old's because that would be generally how they would talk in their everyday lives, however some of the language would be quite regional slang, so it may not appeal to listeners from other parts of the country. I think it is realistic compared to similar professional products because it has most of the conventions that a radio drama normally has, for example the music tracks we used, connoted the moods well and the speech package was similar to a professional one because it had a narrator etc.
Technical Issues:
In our drama the sound levels were mostly very good. The background levels in my opinion were nearly perfect because they were quiet enough for the voices to be heard clearly, but still loud enough to be able to hear the background noise. Also the music levels were very good in my opinion as well because the music faded in the correct parts and wasn't too loud even when it was suppose to be loud. However the voice levels weren't the best at times because of a technical problem we had with the program we used to make the drama, which made the voices come out of one speaker, then the other, or both, which meant that it was quiet on certain parts. When editing, we never cut anyone's voices of, however if we did cut voices out then we could of simply recorded that speech again. The microphone work was mostly ok, but one of the microphones, was too far away from the person speaking which meant the voice was quieter, but we simply amplified the voice to match the levels of the other voices. I think there was enough variety to keep the audience interested because the scenes change a few times throughtout the drama, which was enough because each scene wasn't so long that it lost its impact. The editing was generally ok for the most part, the only problem we had was from the problem in the computer programme which caused the voices to only play in one speaker in parts. Also we used multi-track editing to enable us to edit the different sections individually. We used sound effects in our package but only a couple, so that we didn't take away the impact of using them.
The conventions typical of the genre are: females playing a male part adds to the comedy element of our drama; a murder or some sort of crime is typical of the crime drama which we had; having a party seen is typical of a drama aimed for young adults as they could create a sense of personal identity with the characters. The things that would be the same in a professional product, would be the music tracks that we used, because they suited the mood in the scenes very well, also the story based around a crime would be the same for a similar professional product. Professionals would have an advantage over us because they have experience of hat conventions work but mostly because they have much more time to complete the product and can focus all their time on the product where as, my time is limited. We included narrative theories like, Todorov's theory that there is an equilibrium, disruption and resolution but we didn't use Propp's theory that there is a hero, villain and damsel in distress because there is a villain and damsel in distress in a way but there is no hero. In my opinion, I would regard our story as single-strand because there is only one storyline in the drama.
Own Performance... Self Reflection:
I didn't learn any new skils in perticular, but I did revisit skills in editing, I had used previously and it reminded me how to do these skills. I think my strengths were in the editing process mostly, in particular editing the voices to exactly how we wanted them. However my weaknesses were in the acting part of making the drama. I think I was a good team member because we all listened to each others opinions and took them into account when making decisions and didn't argue, so we were all good team members.
Future Targets:
To improve in the future, I would try and make the levels of the voice better, hopefully without any technical problems, with computer programs. Also I would maybe try and get better actors/actresses to make the voices suit the parts better.


  1. Well done - a good start. You are working at the merit standard.

    Continue to apply the theories you have learned in Y11. Try to apply the narrative theories - Todorov/Propp as well.

    Mr Burkinshaw

  2. First rate and tickety boo old boy!

    An excellent treatment at the Distinction standard. Really well explained - I can see your vision in these paragraphs.


    Extend the war of the world's task - you have been a little mean with your information here Scott.
    Complete your script for Friday

  3. Good blog scott.

    I really like your treatment on your radio drama, as its very detailed and you have covered everything.


  4. D1 Codes and conventions of a range of genres have been critically evaluated using supporting arguments and elucidated examples. Subject terminology used fluently.

    D2 Persuasive proposal and treatment targeting a specific audience and showing flair and creativity. Independence and professionalism are shown throughout the process.

    D3 An original script, set in a specific genre that shows creativity and flair. Independence and professionalism are shown throughout the process.
    D4 Original radio drama produced to near professional standard showing creativity and flair. Independence and professionalism are evident throughout the process.
