Wednesday 9 September 2009

unit 39 speech package production

Task 1:
Have a listen to the speech packages above and match each one with a genre, from the list below.
You should also comment on the audience reach; Local, Regional, National, International.

The clip from the Radio 5 Live would be matched up with the sports and the news and current affairs genre's because it is related to sport and also talking about the news involved with it and the audience would be a national audience because BBC is broadcast across the country.
The clip from the BBC about Dell would be matched up with the business and current affairs genre's because it was discussing the history and current news about the company, also it would be again a national audience because it was also a BBC broadcast.
The final BBC clip from Radio 5 Live Sport would only fit into the sport genre because it purely discusses football and the audience would be national again for this broadcast.

Task 2:
Have a look at the topics below and decide which genre, each issue would belong to and what the reach and target audience might be.

The Olympics 2012 in London would belong to the sport genre and possibly news and current affairs because it would be reviewing the news or issues around a major upcoming sporting event. Also it would reach a national audience but could have international interest because the Olympics are watched around the world.
The rise in alcohol prices for safety reasons would belong to the consumer genre and also the lifestyle genre, it's consumer because it relates to the increase in price of products, it would belong to lifestyle because it is also incorporating peoples health and well being.
Asda- where they stand in the supermarket league tables, would fall into the consumer genre, lifestyle and also current affairs genres because it would relate to the price of products and it could affect the food people buy at stores because of price meaning people could become unhealthier. The target audience that it would primarily reach would be women/mothers or parents of both genre's of all ages.
West Leeds Council Gyms- the comparison to other major gym chains would fall into the lifestyle and also the business genre's because the topic of gyms, mainly would fall into lifestyle as it effects peoples health but it would relate to business because it is comparing the effectiveness of different rival businesses. This would target mostly young males primarily but could also target older people aged maybe 30-50 of both genders with disposable income. It would only be targeted locally.
Smoking Ban- this would fall into the lifestyle genre because it relates to not only smokers health but the health of the whole nation, which would make this a national broadcast and would have a primary target audience of adults of both genders, who smoke, but also a secondary target audience of adults in general because has quite a wide appeal.
Leeds United- the history, administration and what's happening now, would fall into the sport genre because it refers to a sporting team and also into the current affairs genre for the "what's happening now". The target audience for this would be male's of all ages and it would a local audience.

Task 3:
Decide on a topic for your speech package, you can choose one of the titles above if you wish.

Topic- Rugby League and the decline of attendances etc.
Genre- Sport/current affairs.
Target Audience- The primary target audience for this would be mostly male's aged 30-50 and the secondary target audience would be male's of all ages who are interested in sport.

Task 5:
Have a listen to the news speech package which is broadcast via this link
and below and answer the following questions.....
This news report contained several interviews with a variety of different people. However it started off and was introduced by Jess Burns who appeared to be talking from a studio, introducing the large wildlife fire among other things. The news report then moved onto Hipa Daywud who is a correspondent who was talking, pre-recorded from a studio which provided no ambience at all and made the report less entertaining, also because she had a regional accent it was harder to understand which provided less quality to the report. The first of the interviewees was Leaf Hillman but there was no correspondent or contribution from anyone else, it was simply an excerpt from an interview which was done via telephone possibly on location however there was no ambience that we could hear. The second of the interviewees was John Divoe and this interview was also done via a pre-recorded telephone conversation and again was an excerpt from an interview rather than the full version and again like before there was no ambience which made the interviews very dull and the report less interesting. In my opinion a way in which this news report could be vastly improved would be for some live reports to be included and also much more use of ambience to liven up the interviews and make them more exciting. Another criticism of the broadcast is that one of the correspondents had a strong regional accent which even though it adds variety to the voices, makes it harder to understand.
Task 6:
Think about your chosen topic and identify the interview materials you will require to produce your speech package:

Task 7:
Create a short report focusing on a variety of Radio Stations that broadcast speech packages and provide the relevant information for each station…

Radio 4 is the main radio station for the majority of speech packages in the U.K. The ways in which we can listen and tune in are DAB receivers which are digital T.V. stations and digital radios, also over the internet on the BBC iplayer and on podcasts. Finally analogue radios are still used, these would include car radios etc. however all analogue will no longer be available after the year 2012 when all television and radio will become digital. The station covers a number of genres including documentaries and drama to news and current affairs. It would have a primary target audience of mainly, 35-65 year old people of both genders but predominately people of the A, B, C demographic.

Another radio station that would broadcast a lot of speech packages is Radio 5. This station mostly focuses on live sport and speech packages would be incorporated into this genre of sport but also the station produces a number of magazine style shows which would fit into the current affairs or lifestyle genre. The primary target audience for this station would differ slightly from radio 4 in that because it is predominately sport it would be mainly males aged 25-65 years old and also it would appeal to people from all of the demographic. It is also a national broadcasting station because it is part of the BBC so therefore will reach a wider audience than many regional stations do.

Alternatively on Galaxy fm, which is a commercial radio station, they don’t use as many speech packages as they tend to focus more on playing music. Galaxy plays mostly dance and R&B music, as well as current popular tracks. But they do use speech packages on occasions, the main genre they would do is the news/current affairs genre because they would, as almost all radio stations do, have a news segment in their shows. Also they may occasionally use speech packages about the music they play, which could fall into the genre of current affairs. The target audience for this station would be slightly different from the BBC audiences, it would be younger people aged around 18-30 of both genders and mostly people from the lower demographics D, C etc. Also because it is a regional station it would attract smaller audiences than the BBC.

Task 8:
Write a treatment for your speech package, use the template below as a guide to your headings…

The speech package that I am producing is about the decline in rugby league attendances and ways forward for the sport. My primary target audience for this would be predominately males and aged between 21 and 40. Also my secondary target audience is again males but aged 40 to 65 and would be fans of the sport in its best years before its decline. This may be because men are generally associated with sports as an audience, so even men who possibly aren't interested in rugby league directly would feel they must be interested in it in some way. Also because of these stereotypical audience views such as, men and sports and women will love gossip and celebrity news, some people may possibly be drawn to topics because they feel they should be. Media producers will most likely aim their shows at specific genders because of this and also advertisers who are aiming specifically at one gender will try to advertise in these shows. These same theories will apply for age as well as gender. For example sport and comedy shows would have a much younger target audience where as a show like The Archers (a radio soap opera) would attract a slightly older audience.

In terms of a family audience there may be some appeal to a family but not majorly because as it is a sport it can appeal to any person individually and also typically sons may have an interest in something their father likes or is involved in. Also Rugby League is considered a family sport with many families going to matches and watching games than perhaps in football ECT. However there isn't a typical speech package as such in which a whole family would sit and listen to together, because the family audience, especially on radio, rarely exists anymore.

Different social classes and geographical location would also effect the audience of this speech package massively. In this specific case these are possibly the most important factors concerning the audience. This would be because Rugby League is a sport which is hugely divided between the north and south of the country and with upper and lower/working class as well but the majority of the divide is geographical. It is a sport which is played hugely in the north (Yorkshire and Lancashire especially) and very rarely in the south and is also considered to be "the poor man's game". This geographical factor is very important in the eyes of a media producers because it means they can target specific radio stations in that part of the country in order to reach their target audience easier and more effectively, for example BBC Radio Leeds or Radio Aire would be more appropriate than Radio 1 or southern stations because they are in the right geographical area. Also the different social classes would effect which radio station was targeted because the stations that appeal to people in classes C to E and possibly B as well e.g. Capital FM and Radio 5 live would be ideal for this topic however more upper class stations such as Radio 4 and Classic FM wouldn't work.

The station it will be broadcasted on would most likely be BBC Radio 5 Live as this is because it is the major radio station for sport speech packages and other sport related productions. Also because rugby league is a major sport in the north but not in the south it could be broadcast on local radio stations such as BBC Radio Leeds or other similar stations. The time it would be broadcast would most likely in the late evening because a vast majority of the audience would have jobs and therefore it would be aired later in the day so that after work people would relax and take more interest in it. The genre in which my speech package would fall into is mainly sport and also slightly related with current affairs, this would be because obviously the speech package is purely about a sport, (rugby league) but also the current state of the game. The pitch and tone of the speech would both be varied in order to stop the speech package seeming monotone and boring. The variety of the tone would range from being very upbeat and excited when talking about the past in rugby league and the great years of the sport to slower and more serious when describing the downfall of rugby. The pitch would vary in order to make it more interesting for the viewer and also the pitch will change with the different people being interviewed.


Rugby League was once a titanic presence in Sport in the North. Back in the 60’s and 70’s clubs such as Leeds RL, Bradford Northern, Wigan and others alike pulled in attendances to rival football and other major sports. The world thrilled to famous players like Gary Schofield, Billy Boston, Jim Mills and Wally Lewis. and the BBC and ITV found lots of room for it in the schedules.

However the sport has failed to grow to the same degree as other major sports in the U.K. and more recently, many sponsors have deserted the game, which means less money, fewer competitions and less TV coverage. The better supported teams such as Leeds Rhinos gain attendances on average of around 15,000 fans. Although with a majority of teams gates are declining – especially in some parts of the country where the game boomed for a while and then faded. Some famous clubs like Wakefield, a team that recently is on the brink of going out of business, and Harlequins a team from London, only attract 5000 fans on average and grounds are falling into disrepair.

I’m Scott Glynn, and in this programme I want to explore what the reasons behind the problems in the sport and what the future holds.

First of all, I interviewed some people about their preferences and the reasons why they loved their chosen sport

Voxpops- do you prefer rugby or football and why? 5/6 people

Well as you just heard from the voxpops of people in Leeds, which is the part of the country where the game is possibly most popular, the majority of people prefer football and some have negative views on the sport of rugby league and that it is an inferior sport to football. To get a better incite into the game and the many positives of the sport which make it a great game still, I spoke to …… … about the issues in the game today, what could be done to solve these issues and why rugby league is the sport he loves best.

Interviews questions 2/3 people- Are you a fan of rugby league? Why?

Have you ever been to a rugby match? Did you enjoy it?

If not, what is it about the sport that doesn’t appeal to you?

What do you think could be done to improve on the attendances of the sport?

Do you or have you ever-played rugby?

If so, did you enjoy it enough to continue playing ahead of other sports? Why/ why not?

Main Interview-

What is your connection to rugby?

What is your favourite rugby memory?

Do you think that rugby can become a bigger sport to rival football etc?

Why not? Or what do you think would need to be done in order to do this?

Task 12: Produce a professional sounding speech package using the relevant technology.


  1. Detailed work on tasks 2 and 7.


    In task 2 you need to be more specific about target audience - describe age, gender and social class for each one. 
Task 5 needs to be completed.
Carry on with your treatment and describe what you are going to do in detail from the beginning to the end. Describe music beds, instruments, ambience and pitch and tone of voice and the reasons you have for using them.

    Pass at present - this is light on written work and you need to do more indepently to get back on track.

  2. Add your script under the treatment to complete the full picture of what you need.

    Merit at present - much improved.

  3. Good - a comprehensive body of work here now and a sound practical project that just needs some final adjustments.

    Targets - tasks 9 and ten still to complete. For task 9 take the headings as below and just put the information you found into the relevant categories.

    Primary qualitative research: interviews with people who are involved with your topic or are in a position to make a relevant comment on your topic. This may form some of your research + material for your final product

    Primary quantitative research: questionnaires that help you gather statistical information.

    Secondary Qualitative information: Comment or interviews from television; radio stations; books; newspapers; magazines.

    Secondary quantitative research: Statistics from television; radio stations; books; newspapers; magazines.

    You are getting close to a distinction on this unit.

  4. Distinction
    D1 Contexts for producing speech-based packages explored with supporting arguments and elucidated examples. Ideas expressed fluently and subject terminology used correctly.

    D2 Fully supported ideas generated for speech-based packages designed to precisely target fully defined radio audiences showing creativity and flair.
    D3 Focused research and write up for speech package with full justification for choices made.
    D4 High quality speech package, technically excellent and to a near professional standard. Independence shown throughout the process.
